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The principles of BHRT differ in many ways from traditional medical hormone replacement therapy.

Whereas traditional hormone replacement therapy waits until deficiency or menopause to initiate treatment, BHRT is aimed at restoring and balancing to optimal levels. Hormonal imbalance can occur throughout one’s life and be a factor in many medical issues including PMS syndrome, PCOS and infertility to name but a few.

Hormones that are Bioidentical look to the body the same as to what our own body produces albeit from a different source depending on the hormone. It targets the receptors the same as our own body hormones and is aimed to add more of what the body is no longer producing as much of, without affecting feedback loops.
Bio available levels of hormones are felt to be more reflective of functional activity than pituitary feedback hormone measurements which is the traditional medical approach.

There is also significant hormonal interconnectivity – one hormonal imbalance can lead to other hormonal imbalances.

For example, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) leads to higher levels of testosterone and DHEA is mediated, in some cases, with an underlying insulin resistance and puts the patient at higher risk of infertility, gestation diabetes when she does conceive and a likelihood of diabetes in the future.

Over the long-term hormonal imbalances and deficiencies promote metaphysical and metabolic changes accelerating the ageing process. Integrative healthcare including hormonal balance and restoration is an approach that can address these concerns and changes improving vitality and wellness.

However, in the treatment of disease, Integrative health care should in no way replace medical care that has its roots in the scientific method, but useful as an adjunct where it is deemed appropriate and beneficial.